Who is Andrew Brunette's wife Lorie? A glimpse into personal life of new Nashville Predators head co

Lorie Brunette is the wife of former NHL player Andrew Brunette, who has made a name for himself in the hockey world as both a player and coach. While Lorie may not be as widely recognized as her husband, she has played a significant role in their shared journey.

Lorie Brunette is the wife of former NHL player Andrew Brunette, who has made a name for himself in the hockey world as both a player and coach. While Lorie may not be as widely recognized as her husband, she has played a significant role in their shared journey.

One incident that brought attention to Lorie Brunette's involvement in her husband's life was Andrew Brunette's arrest in February 2023. He was charged with driving under the influence while operating his golf cart in South Florida. During the incident, Lorie was present and advised Andrew not to drive while a deputy was present.

Beyond the publicized incident, Lorie Brunette has been a steadfast supporter of Andrew throughout his career. In interviews, he's mentioned her unwavering support and understanding of his passion for sports. Lorie has been by his side, encouraging his love for hockey and providing the emotional support necessary to navigate the demands of the sport.

Apart from hockey, Lorie Brunette has also demonstrated her love for animals. Andrew has shared that Lorie has been actively involved in fostering dogs, a compassionate act that showcases her kindness and empathy. Their shared love for animals has led them to adopt several dogs, including a pit bull mix named Brewer.

As a former NHL player and coach, Andrew has had a demanding and often unpredictable schedule. However, Lorie has stood by his side, offering understanding and stability in their relationship.

Exploring Andrew Brunette's coaching career

Andrew Brunette had a successful coaching career in the NHL, starting as an assistant coach for the Minnesota Wild in the 2014-15 season. He later became the assistant general manager of the Wild until the end of the 2018-19 season. In June 2019, Brunette joined the Florida Panthers as an assistant coach, working under head coach Joel Quenneville.

On October 29, 2021, Brunette's role changed when he was appointed as the interim head coach of the Panthers following Quenneville's resignation the previous day. However, after the Panthers were swept by the Tampa Bay Lightning in the Eastern Conference Semi-Finals, there were uncertainties about Brunette's future as the head coach.

On June 22, 2022, the Panthers announced that Paul Maurice would be taking over as the new head coach of the franchise.

Despite not retaining the head coaching position, Brunette was offered a significant role within the organization by the Panthers. However, he made the decision to leave and accept an assistant coaching position with the New Jersey Devils. This move marked a new chapter in Brunette's coaching career.

As Andrew Brunette continues his journey beyond the ice, Lorie remains a pillar of strength, love, and support in their shared lives.

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