4 women that WWE EVP Triple H has been romantically linked with in real life

In the 1980s, WWE EVP Triple H pursued a career in bodybuilding. He also worked at a gym before entering the professional wrestling industry in the early 1990s. The 52-year-old made his wrestling debut in 1992. Two years later, he signed with WCW, where he spent only a year before finding his home in WWE.

In the 1980s, WWE EVP Triple H pursued a career in bodybuilding. He also worked at a gym before entering the professional wrestling industry in the early 1990s.

The 52-year-old made his wrestling debut in 1992. Two years later, he signed with WCW, where he spent only a year before finding his home in WWE.

Before becoming a WWE Superstar and during the past 27 years, Triple H has been romantically linked with a few women. Most of these relationships were seemingly serious.

Here are four women WWE EVP Triple H has been romantically linked with in real life.

#4. Triple H's ex-girlfriend in New Hampshire

Triple H during his early days in pro wrestling

In the early 1990s, Triple H started dating a girl in his home state of New Hampshire. The couple's relationship seemed serious as their families believed they would eventually get married.

In his book "Triple H Making the Game: Triple H's Approach to a Better Body", The Game spoke about his relationship with his New Hampshire girlfriend:

"I'd been dating the same girl for about four years back in New Hampshire. I think everyone's expectation- hers, our families', I guess in a way even mine- was that we'd get married someday. That's just the directions we were heading."

However, everything changed when Triple H received an offer to join WCW. She wanted to move in with him but The Game wanted to go alone because he was about to throw himself into an unpredictable world, and it wouldn't have been good for her. He wrote in his book:

"She wouldn't have known anyone in the city we were moving to, I didn't know how often I'd be around, I didn't know what we'd do for money, I just didn't know what to expect. But it wasn't all for her benefit. I knew when I got down there the only thing I wanted to focus on was wrestling. I didn't want to be distracted from achieving my goals. It was an extremely tough decision, but a sacrifice I had to make," he added.

Triple H and his girlfriend eventually broke up. While on the road with WCW, The Game admitted that he had several love affairs.

#3. WWE Hall of Famer Chyna

In 1996, Triple H started dating Chyna. About a year later, the former Women's Champion joined her boyfriend in WWE. Alongside a real-life romantic relationship, the couple also worked together on-screen as part of D-Generation X.

The Game and Chyna dated for about four years. In 2000, the couple split after Triple H got romantically involved with Stephanie McMahon.

Although The Ninth Wonder of the World accused her ex-boyfriend of cheating on her, the current WWE EVP of Talent Relations denied her claims in an interview with Howard Stern:

"There's a misconception of the way that things ended with us, but it was our relationship had gone downhill. There's a period of time where we were seperated and things happened in between and then you kind of partway get back together and it really wasn't a full-blown relationship at that time... Yeah, I don't see things the same way she does," he said. (11:04)

In 2001, Chyna left WWE. 15 years later, the former Women's Champion sadly passed away.

Although she never returned to WWE as an in-ring competitor, The Ninth Wonder of the World entered the Hall of Fame in 2019 as a member of D-Generation X.

#2. WWE Chairwoman and Co-CEO Stephanie McMahon

While working together on the McMahon-Helmsley storyline, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon fell in love. Their on-screen romance then turned into a real-life one and the two started dating in 2000.

Although Vince McMahon initially gave his daughter and Triple H his permission to date, he later took it away. Adhering to Vince's wishes, the couple split for 10 months. Nevertheless, their love later brought them back together, as The Game explained in his book:

"As for Steph and me, we tried to adhere to Vince's wishes and cool it off, but after a while it just didn't work. It was too late to stop. We were in love. We ended up getting back together after about ten months."

Vince finally gave the couple his blessing. They dated for about three years before tying the knot in 2003. They now have three daughters.

#1. Christy Hemme

Rumors suggested that Triple H had an affair with Christy Hemme in 2005

In 2005, rumors suggested that Triple H had an affair with former WWE Superstar Christy Hemme. They also claimed that Stephanie McMahon moved Hemme from Monday Night RAW to SmackDown after learning about her husband's relationship with the 2004 WWE Diva Search winner.

On his Café De René podcast, former WWE Superstar René Duprée spoke about the rumor. Triple H said the locker room talked about it back in the day:

"In wrestling, you believe nothing of what you hear and half of what you see, right? But the locker room talked back then, the rumors in the locker room were that her and Hunter had something going on." [0:16 - 0:32]

Despite this, neither Triple H nor Hemme ever addressed these rumors. Hence, it remains unconfirmed.

In 2016, Hemme praised The Game during an interview with The Tomorrow Show, saying that he was great for business and brought people in and up. She also spoke about working with Stephanie McMahon:

"I really love her. She is so poised and so powerful and as a female…She had worked on a couple of my segments and I was always lost when she was talking to me in the moments because she is really one of those people that she's a really good producer…She's really good at connecting and pulling something out of you that she's looking for…but she's softer in like, she's a warm person. She's a strong person but she's a warm person and she's passionate about the females so she's always fighting for them," Hemme said. [H/T: Wrestle Zone]

WWE released the former Diva Search winner from her contract in December 2005, after moving her back to developmental a few weeks earlier. The 41-year-old cited behind-the-scenes politics as the reason for it.

While Triple H is still married to Stephanie McMahon, Hemme tied the knot with Charley Patterson in 2010. They now have five children together.

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