How about Daniel Lurie's spous?
Daniel Lurie Spous: Becca Prowda
Does Daniel Lurie have any children? What are the names of Daniel Lurie's children? What are the ages of Daniel Lurie's children?
Daniel Lurie Children: 2
How old is Daniel Lurie? When is Daniel Lurie's birthday? Where is Daniel Lurie born? Where did Daniel Lurie grow up from? What's Daniel Lurie's age?
Daniel Lurie Born: San Francisco, CA
How about Daniel Lurie's parents?
Daniel Lurie Parents: Mimi Haas
How about Daniel Lurie's education?
Daniel Lurie Education: San Francisco University High School, University of California, Berkeley, Duke University
How about Daniel Lurie's founded organization?
Daniel Lurie Founded organization: Tipping Point Community
Is Daniel Lurie Democrat or Republican?
You'll be forgiven if you assume that Tipping Point Community founder and CEO Daniel Lurie is the son of former San Francisco Giants owner and ex-real estate magnate Bob Lurie. It's an error many people, even Pro Football Hall of Famer Ronnie Lott, make.
Is Daniel Lurie related to Bob Lurie?
You'll be forgiven if you assume that Tipping Point Community founder and CEO Daniel Lurie is the son of former San Francisco Giants owner and ex-real estate magnate Bob Lurie. It's an error many people, even Pro Football Hall of Famer Ronnie Lott, make.