How old is Helena Helmersson? When is Helena Helmersson's birthday? Where is Helena Helmersson born? Where did Helena Helmersson grow up from? What's Helena Helmersson's age?
Helena Helmersson Born: 1973 (age 50years), Skellefte, Sweden
How about Helena Helmersson's education?
Helena Helmersson Education: Handelshgskolan vid Ume universitet (1997)
What does the CEO of H&M do?
The CEO reports to the board on the H&M group's development and produces decision bases for investments, expansion, etc. The role of CEO includes contact with the financial market, the media and the authorities.
A leader and advocate for sustainability, Helena Helmersson has influenced the way corporations view sustainability. Helena Helmersson has demonstrated true leadership and a devotion to sustainability throughout her career at H&M, Sweden's largest fashion company, and a big actor globally.
Who is the CEO of H&M Group?
The CEO reports to the board on the H&M group's development and produces decision bases for investments, expansion, etc. The role of CEO includes contact with the financial market, the media and the authorities.
Who is the director of H&M Sustainability?
The CEO reports to the board on the H&M group's development and produces decision bases for investments, expansion, etc. The role of CEO includes contact with the financial market, the media and the authorities.