Recently, an image of Dr Pepper Oreos surfaced on the internet and instantly went viral. It was shared by Facebook user Leonard Firestone on November 14 and has so far received over 17,000 likes, 13,000 comments, and 32,000 shares. The caption of his post read as follows:
“Where can I get these? I need 3 dozen.”The post featured an image of a red packet of Oreos with Dr Pepper written on it, along with the carbonated soft drink brand’s logo. It also depicted Oreos with red cream in between and a glass full of the beverage with ice floating on top.
While fans of Doctor Pepper as well as Oreos thought that the image was real, it turns out it is generated by artificial intelligence (AI). In fact, if one observes closely, the viral picture has a circular stamp on top that reads:
“This product image is generated by AI. Not real.”It also had the mark of the digital creator The Junk Food Isle stamped on it. However, the post has still garnered enough online traction, with netizens reacting hilariously to it.
“Live once in your life let’s go for it”: Fake Dr Pepper Oreos image stirs wild reactions online
The AI-generated Dr Pepper Oreos poster was first shared on Instagram in early November by its original creator @thejunkfoodaisle. The caption of his post read as follows:
“Things I wish existed: Dr Pepper Oreo. [warning emoticon] This product is not real. This product image is generated by AI.”The caption further added how Oreo came up with Cherry Cola flavor in 2018, so introducing Dr Pepper flavor “isn’t that far-fetched – only needs 22 other flavors!”
However, people who shared the image across other social media platforms, especially Facebook, did not seem to notice the AI stamp on the image, nor paid heed to The Junk Food Aisle’s Instagram caption. As a result, it was shared without context and many people thought it was real.
Meanwhile, there were also others who realized that the image was computer-generated but still joined in on the fun, thus leading to wild reactions online. Here are some of them from Facebook.
Meanwhile, KGNS TV reported on Wednesday, November 15, that the brand unveiled its latest limited-edition carbonated concoction called ‘Dr Pepper Hot Take,’ and the drink allegedly has actual spicy peppers in it.
As per NBC Philadelphia, the limited-edition drink with a fire logo (part of its promotion) has been launched to celebrate the advent of the 2023 college football season. It is reportedly so hot that it comes in a kit with four sample cups for people to share and try it out first, and then drink an entire can if they dare.
The news outlet also reported that Hot Take will not be available across stores but only to Pepper Perks members, that too while the supplies last.
For those unaware, one can become a Pepper Perks member by winning it in a lucky scratch-and-win game or by redeeming 3000 perks points.
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