Chesley Sully Sullenberger Net Worth

What is Captain Sully Sullenbergers net worth? Sully Sullenberger is a retired American multi-professional pilot, advocate, activist, entrepreneur, and U.S. politician. The bulk of his career was spent as an airline captain and Airforce fighter pilot.

Chesley ‘Sully’ Sullenberger Net Worth – $7 million

What is Captain Sully Sullenberger’s net worth?


Sully Sullenberger is a retired American multi-professional pilot, advocate, activist, entrepreneur, and U.S. politician.

The bulk of his career was spent as an airline captain and Airforce fighter pilot.

At the time of writing, he is a designated U.S. Ambassador for the International Civil Aviation Organization and is an outspoken advocate for airline safety.

He gained public notoriety in 2009 while he was flying U.S. Airways flight 1549. Moments after ascent, the plane struck birds, severely damaging both the aircraft engines, and causing them to fail shortly after.

Sully performed an emergency safely landing in Manhattan’s Hudson River, bringing all passengers to safety.

The Origin Story

Sully was born Chesley Burnett Sullenberger III on January 23, 1951, in Denison, Texas, U.S., where he and his sister grew up.

From a young age, Sully had an intrinsic interest in planes, so he began building model planes as a hobby.

He grew up very academically inclined and was consistently in the 99th percentile in all subjects.


Sully Sullenberger Net Worth


His parents quickly learned that he was gifted with an impressively high I.Q. They encourage him to apply to Mensa, a High-IQ society based in Oxford, United Kingdom.

He was accepted and became a participating member with some of the world’s most intellectually gifted people.

He attended Denison High School, where he was an acting and leading member of many bodies, including the Latin club. He was also a leading youth member of the Waples Memorial United Methodist Church. 

Unsurprisingly, he graduated high school with distinction and was among the top-performing students.

Sully acquired his first taste of flying aircraft at 16 years old when he signed up for training and practiced on the Aeronca Champion 7DC.

The United States Air Force Academy

Sully Sullenberger Net Worth


Upon graduating high school, he enrolled in the United States Air Force Academy and graduated with a Bachelor of Science.

He would go on to pursue a double master’s degree in Industrial Psychology and Public Administration from Purdue University and the University of North Colorado, respectively.

Additionally, he was assigned to Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT) program at Columbus, AFT Mississippi, where he further trained on additional aircraft, including the T-37 Tweet and T-38 Talon.

From here, he went on to complete many more practicing assignments on various Air Force jets and planes. He would eventually advance and become a flight leader and training officer, all while earning the rank of captain.

In June 1969, Sully entered a cadet glider program for the United States Air Force Academy, and within one year, he earned the title “Instructor Pilot.”

In 1980, Sully began working for U.S. Airways, spending the following three decades working as a commercial pilot.

During this time, he obtained an airline transport pilot certificate for single and multi-engine aircraft, a flight instructor certificate for airplanes and gliders, and a commercial pilot license for gliders.

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Safety Reliable Methods

In 2007, he founded Safety Reliable Methods (SRM), an airline safety consulting firm. He currently acts as the CEO.

Sully found his way into the public eye on January 15, 2009, while he was the flying captain of U.S. Airways flight 1549.

The flight descended from the LaGuardia Airport in Queens, New York, and shortly after the ascent, both engines struck Canadian Geese, disabling them immediately, and resulting in the loss of power.

Sully determined the best course of action to safely land the plane was to perform a water landing near Lake Michigan.

Fortunately, his decision resulted in the plane’s safe landing, and all passengers were rescued without injury.

His decision to land the aircraft over open waters rather than a nearby airport goes against typical safety protocol and recommendations. However, upon assessing the unique situation, the National Transportation Safety Board deemed this the best course of action.

chesley sully sullenberger net worth


Sully gained recognition from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former president George. W. Brush and Barrack Obama.

He and his crew all received a Masters Medal from the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators.

On February 24, 2009, Sully testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Aviation of the Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure to voice his concerns about the aviation industry’s salary reduction.

He expressed his concern that the cut in wages would deter qualified pilots from seeking a pilot career, resulting in the hiring of less qualified candidates.

He argued that there is no substitute for experience.

The aviation industry should always seek long lengths of flying experience over anything else, and this standard should never be compromised.

Sully retired from his pilot career in 2010 and would go on to pursue a second career in politics.

On June 15, 2021, Sully was voted in as the U.S. representative to the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Aside from his political duties, he is a strong advocate for suicide prevention and the importance of shining more awareness on it politically, medically, socially, and culturally.  


chesley sullenberger net worth

Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger & Tom Hanks – @Getty

Additionally, Sully has been involved in popular culture, which largely contributed to his growth in public popularity.

In 2009, American documentary filmmaker Michael Moore released a documentary titled “Capitalism: A Love Story.”

He featured Sully’s testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Aviation of the Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure.

In 2011, Sully was referenced in the blockbuster hit “Friends With Benefits,” starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis.

And perhaps the most significant fallout of his infamous plane landing is Clint Eastwoods 2016 blockbuster hit, “Sully,” starring Tom Hanks as Sully. The film brought in a whopping $240.8 million.


He is married to Lorraine Sullenberger, and together they share two adopted daughters, Kate and Kelly.

Sully Sullenberger and wife Lorraine


Chesley ‘Sully’ Sullenberger – Net Worth

So, how much is Chesley ‘Sully’ Sullenberger worth?

Captain Chesley Sullenberger earned most of his wealth from his long-standing career as a commercial and Airforce pilot and royalties from the Hollywood film “Sully.”

He’s the author of Making a Difference and the co-author of Highest Duty and Sully: My Search for What Really Matters.

In 2013, Captain Chesley Sullenberger bought a home in Truckee, California, for $2.4 million.

In 2018, Sully listed his five-bedroom California pad for $1.5 million.

Therefore, Sully Sullenberger has an estimated net worth of $7 million.

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