Fans confuse Ryu Kyung Soo for Jang Sang Kyu, congratulate him for a performance well done in 'Hellb

Hellbound, the latest Korean drama to premiere on Netflix, has become the top show on the global list. The cast members of the show include Yoo Ah-In, Won Jin-A, Kim Hyun-Joo, Park Jung Min, and Ryu Kyung-Soo, among others, have also garnered the attention of fans for their performance.

Hellbound, the latest Korean drama to premiere on Netflix, has become the top show on the global list. The cast members of the show include Yoo Ah-In, Won Jin-A, Kim Hyun-Joo, Park Jung Min, and Ryu Kyung-Soo, among others, have also garnered the attention of fans for their performance.

However, many viewers seemed confused about one of the characters featured prominently in episodes 4, 5, and 6 of Hellbound. This character, of a Deacon who belonged to the Church of the New Truth, was portrayed by Ryu Kyung Soo.

However, many viewers confused the actor for Jang Sung Kyu and also sent him messages for performing brilliantly in the show.

Jang Sung Kyu clarifies he did not star in Hellbound

The outpouring of support and appreciation for the character in Hellbound mistakenly directed towards Jang Sung Kyu led to his clarification post on Instagram.

He shared a still from the show featuring actor Ryu Kyung Soo and shared:

"A lot of people are contacting me saying they watched the drama well. The person who played this role is not me but it's actor Ryu Kyung Soo. He put on really good acting. I'm sorry I am receiving the praise instead."

The actor also included screenshots of comments left behind by viewers in which Ryu Kyung Soo was mistaken for him. A few comments when translated read:

"I thought Jang Sung Kyu was a comedian but he's killing it"


"Am I the only one who knew that announcer Jang Sung Kyu appeared on Hellbound?"

Ryu Kyung Soo's role in Hellbound

Ryu Kyung Soo played the role of Deacon Yu Ji in Hellbound. He was one of the many members of the Church of the New Truth who was aware of the truth behind the decree of hell but insisted on hiding it from the public. He saw that the public's belief in the church lent them power, and he worked hard to retain the same.

Sometime in the future, he hoped to gain control of the church, which pushed him to take care of all their dirty business without any complaints.

Hellbound premiered on Netflix on November 19 and reached the top 10 shows list of Netflix in many countries on its release.

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