Robert Hickey Portsmouth Va On Dateline, The Navy Who Killed Meghan Landowski

Meghan Landowski, a stepdaughter of Navy sailor Chris Shortt, was brutally murdered in their Portsmouth, Virginia home on April 10, 2008. She was killed by a Navy named Robert Hickey. Meghan Landowski was a well-known young lady in her town, and her murder alarmed the entire nation.

Meghan Landowski, a stepdaughter of Navy sailor Chris Shortt, was brutally murdered in their Portsmouth, Virginia home on April 10, 2008. She was killed by a Navy named Robert Hickey.

Meghan Landowski was a well-known young lady in her town, and her murder alarmed the entire nation.

In 2008, Landowski, who was 15 at the time, was sexually molested and stabbed to death 43 times at her house. Her life was a nightmare, especially given her history of trauma, and her murder case shattered everyone's hearts.

Meghan had been manipulated by Hicke, who had brutally assaulted her as an adolescent. Her low educational efficacy and discontent as a consequence of the events had been recognized by all.

Learn about Dateline: Robert Hickey Murdered Meghan Landowski In Portsmouth

Robert Hickey killed Navy sailor Chris Shortt's step-daughter Meghan Landowski in their Portsmouth, Virginia home on April 10, 2008.

Meghan was 16 years old, and there appeared to have been a battle in which she kept fighting, based on the murder scene. The killer used a knife from the family's kitchen, according to the source.

It was discovered in a gutter down the street. The murderer was unknown to the authorities, but they suspected it was a personal attack because the victim knew her killer.

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Chris and Angie Shortt suspected Robert of murdering her, so they alerted NCIS at Naval Station Norfolk, where the accused was interrogated.

Meghan's parents stood by her while she pursued accusations against Robert, but they later discovered from civilian investigators that Hickey's actions were minors in Virginia, and he would be sentenced to a max of 12 months in jail.

Robert Hickey Wikipedia Is Missing

Robert Hickey is yet to get listed on the Wikipedia page despite his infamous criminal act. 

As per the source, he was a military man on his journey to the rank of Captain when he was charged with sexual harassment by Meghan.

NCIS believes Robert, a close friend, prepared Meghan for sexual activity. Rob began groping her when she was 14, and by the age of 15, she was engaging in sexual activity with a 30-year-old man, according to the victim.

When a fundamental from Meghan's school bus driver directed Robert Barnes' development inside the situation, the case took a complete 180-degree turn. Barnes was Landowski's classmate and close buddy.

Meghan Landowski Family Facts

Meghan Landowski was raised by her mother, Angela Shortt, and stepfather, Chris Shortt. Her family originally belongs to Virginia. 

Her sister and brother were Elizabeth Gable and Corey Landowski. Her relatives characterized her as a friendly and outgoing person.

Angela and Chris Shortt were desperate to find Meghan's killer once Robert Barnes was apprehended. They were ecstatic when Barnes confessed guilty to all charges and was condemned to 42 years in jail in 2009.

Since then, Angela and Chris have decided to remain out of the spotlight and have kept a low profile on social sites.

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