How about David Cutler's h_index?
David Cutler H_index: 111
How about David Cutler's education?
David Cutler Education: Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard College
How about David Cutler's affiliation?
David Cutler Affiliation: Harvard University
How about David Cutler's place of birth?
David Cutler Place of birth: Cleveland, OH
How about David Cutler's notable student?
David Cutler Notable student: Heidi Williams, Marcella Alsan, Dina Pomeranz, Mark Duggan
How about David Cutler's academic advisor?
David Cutler Academic advisor: James M. Poterba
Does Dave Cutler still work at Microsoft?
Microsoft hired a group of developers from Digital Equipment Corporation led by Dave Cutler to build Windows NT, and many elements of the design reflect earlier DEC experience with Cutler's VMS, VAXELN and RSX-11, but also an unreleased object-based operating system developed by Cutler at Digital codenamed MICA.
Who is David Cutler CEO?
Microsoft hired a group of developers from Digital Equipment Corporation led by Dave Cutler to build Windows NT, and many elements of the design reflect earlier DEC experience with Cutler's VMS, VAXELN and RSX-11, but also an unreleased object-based operating system developed by Cutler at Digital codenamed MICA.
Who created Windows NT?
Microsoft hired a group of developers from Digital Equipment Corporation led by Dave Cutler to build Windows NT, and many elements of the design reflect earlier DEC experience with Cutler's VMS, VAXELN and RSX-11, but also an unreleased object-based operating system developed by Cutler at Digital codenamed MICA.